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Choir Duniya presents "HERE"

StorytellingSocial impactConcert

A choir as a blueprint for the ideal society

More than a trip around the world, attending this concert gives you the chance to become part of our contagious way of living together. And all for a voluntary contribution and at one of the most beautiful venues of the festival.

Choir Duniya is a multilingual choir based in Utrecht. Duniya means "world" in many languages. Currently, the choir has about 55 members, including more than 20 different nationalities.

The title "Here" is taken from a song by Stef Bos and Fernando Lameirinhas. A song with the apt lyrics in which many of us recognize ourselves. In addition, during this evening we sing in Turkish, Ukrainian, Arabic (Palestine), Spanish (Argentina), Farsi (Iran), Mandarin (China), Dari (Afghanistan). The personal connection highlighted for each song makes a country and a situation suddenly very close and palpable. 'Here' is about feeling at home, even if you come from far away.

Besides the fact that the choir loves to sing and stumble into each other's languages, Duniya is a close-knit community with genuine interest in each other's cultural background, language and music. That engaged and inspired energy is something you will see and take home more of.

Korhan Sophia Zehra Antonia Nima Anne Rian Zohra Charly Brigit Naomi Yola Dania Floris Farzad Louay Rami Huub Paulo Ilan Armando Gerwin Chris Artur Rik Damian Fatemeh Clara Karen Lilas Alinda Diana Rian Elma Irosha Selma Aneesha Christelle Clemens Dani Deniz Efe Joseph Sanna Tania Ali Omar

Ud: Belal alKhatib Aboufakher
Double bass: Lucas Dols
Piano: Rohan Poldervaart
Sax: Prajolan Thapa
Ney/Tanbur: Sait Ahmed

Conductor: Loes van Hapert
Arrangers: Sam Haug & Farzad Omidi



Date: November 22
Doors Open: 20:15
Start Time: 20:30
End time: 21:15


English, Dutch and many more



Choir Duniya
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