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Ruigoord gets the spirit (24/11)


Get back to yourself and nature with this crackling program!

It is with great pride and pleasure that Ruigoord participates in the first edition of "The Spirit of Amsterdam. The whole weekend is in the theme of animism and takes place around the Ruigoord Church. For the entire program in the church on both Saturday and Sunday you can purchase a day ticket for € 44,44 or purchase your own ticket per program section.

You are welcome to walk into the church 10 minutes prior to each section. All activities outside the church are outside the day ticket. Participation in the plant walk in the village, The High Tea in the Salon or the Sweatlodge ceremony is via a separate ticket.

Opening hours
12:00 - 23:00

Tickets can be purchased for the individual elements or for the entire ceremony.

The Salon
The salon will be open to visitors throughout the weekend and can provide you with snacks and drinks. Dinner will also be available on both days. For the high tea only, it is important to place a reservation in advance by purchasing a ticket.

Sunday program
There is a lot happening, but The Soil Embodiment Ritual is one of Sunday's highlights at Ruigoord. It is quirky artistic translation of various tantric rituals woven into an 8-hour immersive total experience. During this happening, performance art and physical exercises will alternately support each other in a ceremonially guided exploration of absurdism, personal devotion and bodily inspiration.

12:00 - 13:00 Opening Save Space for Meditation (Ruigoord church)

13:00 - 13:30 Opening Brave Space - Roosien Verlaan (Ruigoord church)

13:30 - 14:30 Soil Embodiment Ritual - Roosien Verlaan & Sander Ivo van Driel (Ruigoord church)

The Soil Embodiment Ritual is an artistic translation of tantric rituals woven into an 8-hour immersive total experience. During this happening, performance art and physical exercises will alternate in a ceremonially guided exploration of absurdity, personal devotion and bodily inspiration.

About the creators and creators: Sander Ivo's work moves freely between the dimensions of theater, dance, music, rite and visual art. Determined to break the shackles of everyday routinized existence, he sets out to continue providing color and dynamism to the ever-shrinking and graying world. There in the realm where imagination is in power, he brings the living magic of wondrous existence back to the order of the day.Roosien Verlaan is highly interested to empower people to create systems based on collective values that allow for growth, autonomy and positive life giving choices. Her work focuses on how systems, relations or experiences shape the possibilities we have for bringing our wisdom into game.Play and art are great ways to facilitate this. Ritual elements and connective exercises are part of that. One thing is for sure; I'll guide you carefully into the unknown where we will find what is most close and meaningful to us.

14:30 - 15:30 Yoga 'Being Aarth'- Cosima Amata (Ruigoord church)

This yoga session during Places beyond dedication involves connecting with earth. From visualizing what it is like to be in the earth, to how we can ground ourselves.

About the artist: Cosima von Seefried, 23 years old, is a creative and empathic project & event manager with a focus on building community and supporting the shift from degenerative to regenerative systems. Having finished her MA this year in "Poetics of Imagination" at Schumacher College, a course centered around exploring the most impactful stories humankind has brought alive through the arts, she is now focusing on creating impact through working in NGOs while also fueling her artistic and embodied side through teaching yoga, dj'ing, writing, performing, meditating and gardening. Her vision is to co-create local spaces and events for community where people can experience, learn, play in an embodied and compassionate way. Bridging the celebration of what it means to be human as well as moving into an aware and interconnected symbiotic relationship with life.

16:00 - 19:00 Sweatlodge ceremony (in the sacred lodge)

The lodge is a sacred space where we weave all our relationships, where past, present and future come together to form one whole. The lodge is held together by a structure of willow branches covered with blankets. In here, we are given the opportunity to process our experiences under the guidance of the elements-air, water, fire, earth-and something greater than ourselves. The stones are revived in our sacred fire, blessed with herbs as they enter the lodge like glowing spirits. We support each other, sing and share stories. The dance of water and fire creates a transformative journey, purifying our bodies, mind and spirit, leaving us renewed and reborn. For more information and preparation, visit the Ruigoord site.

15:30 - 16:30 Voice Invocation - Nina van Koppen & Elena Tierra (Ruigoord church)

A collective animistic trance journey exploring the inspiration of the human body through a guided voice liberation session.Elena Tierra: She is a multi-instrumentalist and vocal alchemist who brings her raw and mystical music mainly as ritual performances and in ceremonial settings. She is also a guide in voice liberation, helping people return to their soul expression through their voice.

About the creator: Nina van Koppen is a theater maker, cacaoist and voice artist driven by romance and mysticism. She creates at the intersection of performance art and ceremony, seeking poetic scenes and emotional embodiment to make matter such as trust, surrender and devotion tangible.

16:30 - 17:00 Trance Dance - Roosien Verlaan & Carlijn Claire Potma (Ruigoord church)

17:00 - 19:00 Ecstatic Dance - Iphiknight (Ruigoord church)

DJ inphiknight, will play a special ecstatic dance set that builds on the ritual before it, in which the limbs will be raised from the dead by blowing a lively dance into them with unique music.DJ inphiknight, or Thomas Meijer is resident DJ at Ruigoord and Odessa Amsterdam, but also tours all over Europe with a unique mix of eccentric world music, profound techno and wondrous jazz and classical. He is also a philosopher and photographer.

19:00 - 20:00 Integration Circle - Roosien Verlaan & Sander Ivo van Driel (Ruigoord church)

19:00 - Dinner (in the Salon).

Come have a nice dinner at the Ruigoord Salon. We serve delicious freshly made Vegetarian South African fusion curry with salad. A great introduction to an exceptional village! Ruigoord and its community of artists and freethinkers is an ornament of Amsterdam. The Salon is a place to get inspired and strengthen the inner man. Target group: All visitors to the village and the events during this weekend can come and visit! The Salon is created and managed/programmed by Michael Kamp (theater maker)

20:30 - end - ALQUEM - Dance ritual (Ruigoord)



An immersive audio visual experience integrating neuroscience and ancient wisdom. Dance and stillness. Celebration and ritual. A moment in time in which we come together beyond what the eye perceives, to be together in our essence and connect in love. A moment in which the dance becomes your personal ritual in a space held by the music. In the togetherness with other dancing souls exploring your true expression. In a world with so much polarization the intention here is create collective coherence through sound, intention, movement and breath. Join us to close this beautiful weekend festival and amplify its intention of uniting people in sacred space and music.


Date: November 24
Start Time: 12:00
End time: 23:00