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Amsterdam is een migrantenstad en dat mag gevierd worden.

Celebrating 750 years of migration

In a mature, inclusive society, we no longer focus on differences in origin or background. Imagine a society where we live together based on our shared humanity and equality. With Embrace, we bring this vision to life – creating a space where the people of Amsterdam connect and celebrate by sharing food, enjoying music, telling stories, unraveling and discovering together. 


17:00 – 20:00
The evening starts with a delightful dinner, provided by the people from Turning Tables in cooperation with the residents of the azc GALAXY. Join us for a culinary celebration where you can savor specialties from around the globe.

20:00 – 22:00 uur
After dinner, the Vondelkerk will be transformed into a vibrant space for music and dance. Get ready to embark on a musical journey, as the line-up of international artists take you through the sounds of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, all the way to the Far East, the Wild West, and back home to Amsterdam.


19:15 – Roos & Qusai [to enjoy this performance you need a Dinner & Music ticket]
19:45 – Omar Alshahari [to enjoy this performance you need a Dinner & Music ticket]
20:00 – Razeen
20:15 – Zahi-Shero
20:30 – B2 & Marlies
20:45 – Naaz
21:00 – DJ Zouflebouf


Embrace is a response to the challenges surrounding newcomers today – a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the history of the Netherlands and most certainly of Amsterdam. Migration is an inseparable part of the Dutch story. Together, they have built this country, and together, we’ll continue forward — not as strangers, but as friends.

What makes Embrace truly unique is the involvement of recent newcomers in creating this event. Partnering with the Regenboog Group and Turning Tables, Embrace promotes lasting connections beyond the celebration itself. By embracing cultural diversity, we aim to encourage acceptance, understanding and inclusivity.

So, let’s join hands and come together for an unforgettable evening. Because where people meet & eat, the best stories and most valuable connections are born!

Team Turning Tables – dinner
Jannes Rodermond – branding
Cristiana Mustaro – poster design
Ghandi Mohammad Ali – program coordinator
Aris van Ham – founder & organizer
Jeske Eekelaar – founder & organizer
Mark Doorn – copywriting

Part of: stichting 10,000 HOURS


Datum: 24 november
Deuren open: 17:00
Begintijd: 17:00
Eindtijd: 22:00


Nederlands / Engels / Arabisch



Music Moves
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